Monday, April 11, 2011

China's critique on Human Rights abuses in the U.S.

Yes you read that title correctly; China chiding the United States on its record of human rights abuses.

For someone who has lived in China for the last couple of years and conversed with Chinese college students (in my opinion, some of the Most righteous, nationalistic, and critical (and knowledgeable) of the U.S.A. in China) I am familiar with these critiques. For those of you who are not, I can offer you the whole text (in English) or a synopsis of the document by Heather Horn of the Atlantic.

I recommend reading it and considering it seriously, granted the CCP is less than exemplary in its records of human rights. Still take time and think about it objectively. What is the nature of our democracy and of our nation. Honestly this is an issue which has perplexed me since I was in China and one which I suspect this humble record will be used by myself to elucidate.

Where does this sort of report come from? Not who, but why? If anyone out there is under the assumption that China is the USSR come again, or that it could be I would argue that paper's like this show that the CCP is not. Mainly because it has to ideology to export. This is pure opportunism, never would the CCP turn this critical lens upon itself to truly diagnose its own political problems and psychosis.

In China it is common for Party members to cite Noam Chomsky, not because they believe in him, but because he also opposes American Imperialism. (Maybe, for the same reasons, it is why Mr. Chomsky is also keen on China under the CCP. Whoa to that person who sells out their values to be "right" if just for a little bit.)

[The Photo above is from the presenting of the Confucius Peace Price last year, much in the same vein as the recent report.]

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